Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Night Love: A Tribute

My mornings are pretty uniform - emails, news and blogs over breakfast. It if ever get a message while I'm breakfasting, it's usually my brother in Florida who hasn't gone to sleep yet - and this hasn't happened in a long time. So this morning, when my messenger chimed, I didn't jump out of my seat or spill coffee but I was mildly surprised. It was an invitation to this semester's closing event at my school. Once this program ends and the summer is out, the center will close its doors for good.
I was able to slip away from work for a little while this afternoon to attend and as I watched the students interact with each other and walked around walls covered with student work, I realized how lucky I am to have spent a year studying in Paris and with such great professors. If it wasn't for my year spent abroad, I may not live in Paris today; know the people I know, work where I work, be who I am ... My year abroad taught me to expand my horizons, think outside of the box, look at things with a different eye and give myself new goals.
So tonight, my only Wednesday night love tonight is the P.R.C. Cheers to memories and friends made and cheers to all the teachers who inspired us there !

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