It's common knowledge that every girl can dream. But I think, every girl should! It's really one of the things that makes being a girl so much fun because if it weren't for dreams, life would be less magical in so many ways. The first time I saw a picture of this dress, I instantly imagined myself at least 6 inches taller than my current (permanent) height, tanned, perfectly coiffed and made up, and walking down the streets of Paris in a pink sunset, arm in arm with my boyfriend. I knew however, that a) it would never fit, b) we don't exactly lead the kind of lifestyle that would allow for that kind of strolling through the city in a floor-length near ball gown style dress and c) chances were I'd never even see it on the rack. So the dream remained.
Tonight, as I prepared a quick in-and-out chez H&M to return some unwanted loot, I stumbled upon said dress in the smack front of the store, conveniently in a size 34. I swooped it over my arm and headed straight for the fitting room and let me just say, if it weren't for the fact that I really could not justify spending so much money on a dress that I honestly cannot think of a single event I can wear it to, it would be sitting in my apartment right now waiting for hem alterations.
i love this post! you gotta have fun and live out your dreams (even if it is for a couple of minutes in a dressing room ;)
Wow!!! That is SOME dress :D It looks great on you!!