In a fruitless scavenge for Essie's 'pink parka,' I couldn't get pink out of my mind at the beauty supply. I guess it's a sign that 2012 will be as bubbly (and sparkly) as my choices of nail varnish. As 2011 comes to an end, I can say now that the year was mostly exciting and successful and I'm happy to say we've surmounted our biggest obstacles.
I'm looking forward to stating a new year fresh and revitalized and full of motivation. Maybe if I document my resolutions for the new year on the blog, I will feel more obliged to keep them than if they stay in my paper diary for the next 366 days and so they are...
- Actually work out throughout the year
- Improve my writing skills in French (maybe some will come out on the blog every now and then)
- Be more assertive
- Stop picking at my lips and start taking better care of my skin in general
- Work actively and seriously on personal projects and goals
Happy new year and may all your resolutions and wishes come true !
Love, Mademoiselle on the Metro
Colors in order of appearance: Essie 'Splash of Grenadine;' Essie 'Mod Squad,' Essie 'French Affair,' Dare T. Wear 'Hologram Diamond,' Color Club 'Pink Flare,' Hollywood Color 'Love Song'