For about a week and a half now, I've toyed with the idea of restarting the blog. Toying no more, here I am. Back, for good this time, hopefully.
Before jumping into the present, here are a few updates on where I've been:
- The internship continued, it went well and it turned into a job!
- I went back to the states for July and most of August, and now I'm back in Paris, living adventures and ready for "la rentrée"
Since I've been back, I've tried adamantly to avoid the metro and have since succeeded. (We'll see how much longer the weather cooperates and lets me do this) Something about hot, sticky people crammed up next to and on top of each other doesn't sound like a good time to me. Instead, I've chosen to walk everywhere I go (velib bikes are not an option for me - they don't have any small enough for me!) Sometimes we take the car, when the Frenchman is available for driving.
I have also decided to add something new to the blog - pictures. They'll range from tid-bits from my life, outfit posts when I feel extra-glam, to tid-bits from the city and my long walks through it.
I leave you today with some snapshots of my favorite accessories of the moment, including this precious little bow cuff I found yesterday as I tried desperately to avoid the ice cream shops. There's something about these pieces that make me feel ultra fun and feminine, like a little 'gamine' from a fairy tale. I can't wait to wear this new cuff on our road trip tomorrow!!